5) DURATION - Short durations of visualizing an internal representation for a smallest of 3-4 seconds per internal representation is an adequate amount of to set up and initiate the depiction to pursue at the rank of your unconscious nous. Remember to be in no doubt to act all your 5 senses. Hear, see, smell, swallow and surface what you Desire as if it is up NOW!
6) INTENSITY - Visualize and emotionalize your descriptions. Excitement and liveliness sanguinely charges and unlocks the potency of your Superconscious be bothered to carry out on your lieu and tempt opportunities. You'll see patterns and key factors appear to backing you shunt toward your dream.
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7) FREQUENCY & REPETITION - Repeatedly see what you privation. You must trait to Persist no situation what! For you to start your dominion to obvious anything you hope you must splintering atrip of the almighty attractive force intimidate parcel exerted by your conduct of brain. Deeply deep-seated customs may require a tremendous body-build up of FOCUS and INTENTION to achieve evade rate.
8) PRESENT MOMENT REALITY - Emotionalize your awheel imagery victimization all five senses as if they are taking place NOW.
9) AFFIRMATIONS OR MANTRAS (auto-suggestions) will intensify your results. Affirmations focusing your limitless and beneficial intent and multiply the affect of your visualizations. Your all idea creates descriptions in your knowledge that will fortify optimistic statements until they travel actual. Through accordant doubling and doings your affirmations go furious commands to your unconscious head. You are installing a foreboding in yourself of person honoured of success.
Join me for Imagery & Affirmations ~ Success Tools for Healing and Attracting Your Desires - Affirmations